Montreal est une ville dynamique connue pour sa richesse culturelle, mais parfois, nous avons tous besoin d'un peu d'évasion de la vie urbaine. Que vous souhaitiez renouer avec la nature, plonger dans l'histoire ou simplement vous détendre, il existe plusieurs itinéraires pittoresques à quelques heures de la ville qui vous offriront une expérience inoubliable. Ces destinations offrent non seulement des vues imprenables, mais aussi de nombreuses activités qui rendront votre escapade vraiment mémorable.
Il y a quelque chose dans le fait de prendre la route et de laisser le bruit de la ville derrière soi qui rajeunit l'âme. En parcourant les routes sinueuses et les paysages pittoresques, vous vous rendrez vite compte de la diversité et de la beauté des régions qui entourent Montréal. Des collines ondulantes aux paysages côtiers, chaque destination offre son propre charme.
Nous avons compilé ici cinq des meilleures excursions au départ de Montréal, chacune offrant une expérience unique. Des aventures en plein air au charme historique, ces excursions sont parfaites pour une escapade de fin de semaine, et le plus beau, c'est qu'elles sont toutes accessibles en voiture, ce qui vous permet de laisser derrière vous l'agitation de la ville et de profiter d'un trajet paisible et pittoresque.
Ces excursions routières de fin de semaine vous permettent de vous rapprocher de la nature, d'explorer de nouvelles villes et de découvrir les joyaux cachés que le Québec et les régions avoisinantes ont à offrir. Que vous planifiez une retraite en solo ou un voyage avec votre famille et vos amis, ces destinations sont sûres de créer des souvenirs qui dureront longtemps après la fin de votre voyage.
1. Mont Tremblant : Une aventure tout au long de l'année

Distance de Montréal : 1,5 heures
Pour les amoureux de la nature, les amateurs de plein air et les passionnés d'aventure, Mont Tremblant est une étape incontournable. Connu pour ses pistes de ski de classe mondiale en hiver, le parc national du Mont-Tremblant et le charmant village qui constitue le cœur du centre de villégiature, c'est un endroit où l'on peut trouver quelque chose à faire tout au long de l'année. Qu'il s'agisse de dévaler les pentes en hiver ou de profiter des chauds mois d'été pour faire de la randonnée ou des sports nautiques, Mont-Tremblant est un lieu d'évasion fantastique pour tout le monde.
En hiver, le Mont Tremblant est un paradis pour les skieurs. Avec plus de 600 acres de terrain skiable et plus de 90 pistes, c'est l'une des plus grandes stations de ski de l'est de l'Amérique du Nord. Si vous n'aimez pas le ski ou le snowboard, vous pouvez toujours profiter d'activités comme la raquette, la luge ou le patinage sur la pittoresque patinoire du village. La beauté enneigée de la région vous donnera l'impression d'être entré dans un pays de merveilles hivernales, avec des vues panoramiques sur les Laurentides et les lacs gelés environnants.
Lorsque le temps se réchauffe, le Mont Tremblant se transforme en un centre d'aventures en plein air. Le vaste parc national, avec ses lacs étincelants, ses forêts denses et ses sentiers de montagne, est idéal pour la randonnée, le vélo de montagne ou le canoë. Que vous exploriez les sentiers à pied ou à vélo à travers les paysages luxuriants, l'air frais et les paysages époustouflants en font une expérience rafraîchissante. Pour ceux qui aiment les sensations fortes, la tyrolienne dans la canopée de la forêt est un moyen passionnant de voir la région sous un nouvel angle.
Le charme du village et la détente
Le village lui-même est tout aussi enchanteur, avec son architecture d'inspiration européenne, ses bâtiments colorés et ses rues pavées. Il y a de nombreux restaurants, cafés et boutiques à découvrir, ce qui en fait un endroit idéal pour se détendre après une journée d'activités en plein air. Vous pouvez également prendre la télécabine panoramique qui vous mènera au sommet de la montagne, d'où vous aurez une vue imprenable sur la région environnante. Que vous le visitiez en hiver ou en été, le Mont Tremblant est la destination idéale pour ceux qui souhaitent faire l'expérience d'un large éventail d'activités, ce qui en fait un excellent choix pour un voyage de fin de semaine à partir de Montréal.
Ce qu'il faut faire :
- Skiing and Snowboarding (Winter): Le Mont Tremblant est l'une des stations de ski les plus populaires de l'est du Canada. Avec plus de 600 acres de terrain skiable et 102 pistes, c'est une destination incontournable pour les amateurs de sports d'hiver. Que vous soyez débutant ou expert, il y en a pour tous les goûts.
- Randonnées pédestres et cyclistes (été) : À la fonte des neiges, le Mont Tremblant se transforme en un paradis pour les randonneurs et les cyclistes. Le parc national s'étend sur plus de 1 000 kilomètres carrés de forêts, de lacs et de montagnes. Les sentiers sont accessibles à tous les niveaux, des promenades tranquilles autour des lacs aux randonnées plus difficiles qui vous récompensent par des vues panoramiques sur les montagnes environnantes.
- La vie du village : Le village de Tremblant abrite de nombreux magasins, cafés et restaurants qui offrent un refuge confortable après une journée passée à l'extérieur. Promenez-vous dans les rues pavées et dégustez les délices locaux, tels que la poutine et les produits à base de sirop d'érable.
- Descente en tyrolienne et en gondole : Pour une expérience unique, prenez la télécabine jusqu'au sommet de la montagne pour une vue incomparable sur les Laurentides. Si vous avez envie d'une expérience un peu plus exaltante, essayez le parcours de tyrolienne qui s'élève au-dessus des arbres et offre une façon palpitante de découvrir la beauté naturelle de la région.
- Spa and Wellness: Après une longue journée d'activités, détendez-vous au Scandinave Spa, où vous pourrez profiter des jacuzzis extérieurs, des saunas et des massages. Le cadre paisible du spa, entouré par la nature, est le moyen idéal pour se détendre et se ressourcer.
Conseils :
- Si vous visitez en hiver, assurez-vous de réserver des forfaits de ski à l'avance pour éviter les longues files d'attente à la billetterie.
- Pour une retraite paisible, vous pouvez séjourner dans l'un des nombreux chalets confortables ou cabanes en rondins situés juste à l'extérieur du village.
- Le Mont Tremblant est également une excellente destination pour une retraite de bien-être. Visitez le Scandinave Spa pour une expérience relaxante en pleine nature.
Le Mont Tremblant offre l'équilibre parfait entre l'aventure et la détente, ce qui en fait une destination idéale pour une excursion rapide de fin de semaine. Que ce soit pour dévaler les pentes ou pour profiter de la beauté naturelle, vous rentrerez chez vous frais et dispos.
2. Le parc national du Mont-Mégantic : Le rêve de l'astronome

Distance de Montréal : 2,5 heures
Le paradis des astres
Si vous avez toujours voulu échapper aux lumières de la ville et découvrir le ciel nocturne dans sa forme la plus pure, le parc national du Mont-Mégantic est l'endroit qu'il vous faut. Situé dans les Cantons de l'Est, ce parc national est réputé pour ses possibilités d'observation des étoiles. Il abrite également la première réserve officielle de ciel étoilé au monde, ce qui garantit que les étoiles sont l'attraction principale. L'éloignement du parc et l'absence de pollution lumineuse offrent une vue inégalée sur la Voie lactée, les planètes et d'innombrables étoiles, ce qui en fait un véritable rêve pour les amateurs d'étoiles.
Daytime Adventures and Natural Beauty
During the day, Mont-Megantic offers stunning vistas and a wide range of outdoor activities. Hiking is a popular choice here, with trails that take you through dense forests and to the summit of Mont-Megantic itself. From the peak, you’ll be treated to panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, and on a clear day, you can see all the way to the US border. The park is also home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, wild turkeys, and the occasional moose, making it a great destination for nature lovers.
In the evening, the park’s real magic begins to unfold. As the sun sets, the sky darkens, and the stars begin to appear, brighter and clearer than you’ve ever seen them before. The Mont-Megantic Observatory, located at the summit, is one of the best places to take in the night sky. Here, you can join stargazing sessions led by expert astronomers who will guide you through the constellations, planets, and celestial wonders. The observatory also offers night sky photography workshops, where you can capture the beauty of the stars and learn how to take stunning astrophotography shots.
If you’re looking to truly immerse yourself in the experience, consider booking a stay at one of the park’s charming lodges or campsites. With minimal light pollution and the peaceful sounds of nature surrounding you, this is the perfect spot to disconnect and unwind.
Ce qu'il faut faire :
- Stargazing: The Mont-Megantic Observatory offers public tours and stargazing nights where you can observe the night sky through powerful telescopes. The lack of light pollution in the area makes it a perfect location for spotting constellations, planets, and even galaxies.
- Hiking: During the day, explore the many hiking trails that wind through the park. Some trails lead you to viewpoints where you can admire the breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The highest peak in the park, Mont Megantic, stands at 1,105 meters and offers a stunning view of the Appalachian Mountains.
- Mountain Biking and Cross-Country Skiing: The park also offers trails for mountain biking and cross-country skiing, depending on the season. Both activities are great ways to immerse yourself in the park’s natural beauty.
- Biodiversity: Mont-Megantic is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including boreal forests, wildflowers, and animal species such as white-tailed deer, moose, and beavers. Bird watchers will also appreciate the opportunity to see a variety of species in their natural habitat.
- Picnicking and Relaxation: Take time to enjoy the peaceful surroundings by having a picnic in the park. There are several areas equipped with picnic tables where you can relax and enjoy the serenity of nature.
Conseils :
- Be sure to pack warm clothing for the evening, even in the summer, as the temperature can drop quickly when the sun sets.
- Check the schedule of the observatory and the stargazing events in advance. These experiences are especially popular during the summer and fall months.
- While in the area, explore the local wineries, such as Vignoble de l’Orpailleur, to sample Quebec’s renowned wines.
Mont-Megantic offers a unique combination of natural beauty and celestial wonder, making it a must-visit for anyone interested in stargazing and outdoor exploration.
3. Quebec City: Step Back in Time

Distance from Montreal: 3 hours
Quebec City is one of the most picturesque cities in North America, and it’s a perfect blend of old-world charm and modern convenience. The cobblestone streets of Old Quebec, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offer a unique experience, especially for history buffs. With its European feel, Quebec City transports you to another era, and you’ll find yourself wandering through narrow, winding streets lined with centuries-old architecture and quaint boutiques. The city’s historic landmarks, such as the iconic Château Frontenac, stand as grand reminders of Quebec’s rich colonial past.
As you stroll through Old Quebec, you’ll come across the impressive city walls, which date back to the 17th century. These walls are some of the only remaining fortified city walls in North America, offering a glimpse into the city’s military history. For a taste of Quebec’s French heritage, you can visit the impressive Citadelle of Quebec, a fortress overlooking the St. Lawrence River, which also serves as the official residence of the Governor General of Canada. Guided tours offer fascinating insights into the city’s role during the French and British colonial periods.
Cultural Gems and Art Museums
Beyond the historical sites, Quebec City also offers a vibrant cultural scene. You’ll find art galleries, museums, and theaters showcasing both local and international talent. The Musée de l’Amérique francophone delves deep into the history and culture of the French-speaking peoples of the Americas, while the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec boasts an extensive collection of Canadian and Quebecois art. For a more relaxed experience, spend some time walking along Terrasse Dufferin, the boardwalk that offers stunning views of the river and the surrounding city.
Quebec City is also home to some incredible food and drink experiences. The city’s French culinary heritage is evident in its bistros and patisseries, where you can enjoy delicious pastries, artisanal cheeses, and hearty French dishes. The Old Port area is perfect for a leisurely afternoon of dining and shopping, while the Quartier Petit Champlain is a charming district filled with boutiques and cafes where you can relax and soak in the atmosphere.
Seasonal Attractions: Winter Wonderland and Summer Festivals
One of the best times to visit Quebec City is during the winter months, when the city is transformed into a magical winter wonderland. The Winter Carnival, one of the largest and most famous in the world, draws visitors from around the globe for its parades, snow sculptures, and outdoor activities. During the summer, the city’s outdoor cafes and festivals bring the streets to life with music, food, and art.
Quebec City is an ideal destination for anyone looking to experience the beauty and history of one of North America’s oldest cities. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a foodie, or someone who just enjoys a good road trip from Montreal, Quebec City offers a rich and diverse experience that will captivate your heart and leave you wanting more.
Ce qu'il faut faire :
- Explore Old Quebec: Wander the narrow streets of Old Quebec, which are lined with historic buildings, cafes, and shops. Don’t miss the beautiful Château Frontenac, where you can take a guided tour to learn about the hotel’s rich history. You can also visit the fortified walls of the old city for an insight into its military past.
- Visit the Citadel: The Citadel, perched on a hill above the city, offers breathtaking views of Quebec City and the surrounding St. Lawrence River. This fortress, dating back to the 1690s, is one of the oldest military installations in North America and is still an active military base.
- Take a Cruise on the St. Lawrence River: Enjoy a boat cruise along the St. Lawrence River for a unique perspective of the city and its surroundings. You can also take a ferry ride to Lévis to see Quebec City from the other side of the river.
- Festivals and Events: Quebec City is renowned for its cultural festivals, including the famous Winter Carnival, which takes place in January and February. If you’re visiting in the summer, don’t miss the Festival d’été de Québec, one of the largest music festivals in the country.
- La Promenade des Gouverneurs: This scenic walking path runs along the cliffs near the Château Frontenac and offers spectacular views of the river and the city. It’s a great place for a leisurely stroll while soaking in the sights.
Conseils :
- Quebec City is particularly magical during the holiday season when the streets are lined with twinkling lights and the festive atmosphere is in full swing. If you love Christmas markets and cozy winter vibes, this is a great time to visit.
- Stay in one of the charming boutique hotels in Old Quebec to fully embrace the city’s historic charm. Many of these accommodations are within walking distance of the city’s top attractions.
- Don’t forget to try Quebec City’s culinary delights, from the famous poutine to local maple syrup-based dishes. Visit the Old Port Market for fresh, local ingredients and artisanal products.
A visit to Quebec City is like stepping back in time, with its historic sites, charming streets, and rich culture. It’s a perfect destination for those who enjoy history and unique architecture.
4. The Laurentians: A Picturesque Paradise

Distance from Montreal: 1 hour
A Natural Playground for Outdoor Lovers
The Laurentians are a region known for their natural beauty, from serene lakes to lush forests and charming towns. A road trip here will allow you to explore a vast variety of outdoor activities and enjoy the local French-Canadian culture. Just an hour’s drive from Montreal, the Laurentians offer an ideal escape into nature, making it a perfect destination for both relaxation and adventure.
For outdoor enthusiasts, the Laurentians are a playground. In the winter, the region is famous for its ski resorts, such as Mont-Tremblant and Mont Blanc, where you can hit the slopes for skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. Even outside of ski season, the Laurentians offer plenty to do, including hiking, mountain biking, and kayaking. The lakes in this region, such as Lac Tremblant and Lac des Sables, are perfect for a summer day of swimming, canoeing, or just relaxing by the water. The Laurentians are also home to several parks, including the Parc national du Mont-Tremblant, which offers miles of scenic trails through dense forests, picturesque waterfalls, and breathtaking vistas.
But it’s not just the natural beauty that makes the Laurentians special. The region also has a rich cultural heritage that is evident in its charming villages and towns. The town of Mont-Tremblant, known for its lively resort atmosphere, is a perfect blend of French-Canadian culture and outdoor adventure. In the summer, you can explore local markets, visit the many boutiques, and enjoy festivals celebrating local artisans and musicians. The quaint town of Saint-Sauveur is another must-visit in the Laurentians, with its European-style main street, offering a variety of cafes, art galleries, and shops.
Savoring Quebecois Cuisine and Local Delights
The Laurentians are also a great place to indulge in delicious Quebecois cuisine. You’ll find local restaurants serving up hearty dishes such as poutine, tourtière, and smoked meat sandwiches, as well as local specialties like maple syrup-based treats and artisanal cheeses. The region is known for its small, family-run businesses that offer a more authentic and intimate dining experience. For a unique experience, try visiting a local sugar shack, where you can enjoy fresh maple syrup, pancakes, and other maple-based delicacies.
Throughout the Laurentians, you’ll also find beautiful bed-and-breakfasts, cozy inns, and luxurious resorts that offer a wide range of accommodations, perfect for a relaxing weekend getaway. Whether you’re looking to stay in a charming chalet by the lake, a luxurious spa resort, or a simple countryside cabin, the Laurentians has something for everyone. Many accommodations also offer access to spas, hot tubs, and wellness retreats, making it an ideal destination for those looking to unwind and rejuvenate.
Festivals, Events, and Seasonal Beauty
Throughout the year, the Laurentians host various festivals and events that highlight the region’s vibrant arts and culture scene. From art exhibits to music festivals, there’s always something to enjoy. In the fall, the region’s vibrant foliage attracts photographers and nature lovers alike, as the colors of the trees transform into a beautiful array of reds, oranges, and yellows. Winter brings a festive atmosphere, with ski races, ice sculptures, and winter carnivals that showcase the best of the region’s outdoor activities and cultural traditions.
The Laurentians are not only a natural paradise but a place where you can truly connect with Quebec’s local culture and history. Whether you’re an adventurer looking to explore the great outdoors, a foodie eager to sample authentic Quebecois dishes, or someone simply seeking a peaceful retreat in nature, a road trip to the Laurentians offers a bit of everything. With its combination of stunning landscapes, charming villages, and rich cultural experiences, the Laurentians truly are a picturesque paradise waiting to be discovered.
Ce qu'il faut faire :
- Hiking and Water Sports: Head to Mont-Tremblant for one of the many stunning lakes, like Lac Superieur, where you can kayak, paddleboard, or simply enjoy a peaceful day by the water. The surrounding hills are perfect for hiking and offer trails that suit all levels of experience.
- Spa Relaxation: After an active day, unwind in one of the many luxurious spas in the region. Many of these spas offer treatments inspired by local traditions, using natural ingredients like maple syrup, honey, and essential oils.
- Local Cuisine: The Laurentians are full of delicious dining options, from quaint cafés to gourmet restaurants. Make sure to try a classic Quebecois dish, such as tourtière (a savory meat pie) or a fresh, locally made cheese.
- Scenic Drives: Take a leisurely drive through the region, where you’ll find charming villages like Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts and Saint-Sauveur. Each town offers a unique atmosphere, with local boutiques, art galleries, and artisan shops to explore.
- Winter Sports: If you’re visiting in the winter, the Laurentians offer some of the best skiing in Quebec outside of Mont Tremblant. Several ski resorts are located in the region, making it an ideal winter getaway.
Conseils :
- Take your time exploring the villages along the way, such as Saint-Sauveur or Sainte-Adèle. Each town offers unique shops, galleries, and bistros.
- If you’re a winter enthusiast, the Laurentians offer some of the best skiing in Quebec outside of Mont Tremblant.
The Laurentians are a perfect blend of natural beauty and small-town charm, making them an ideal destination for anyone looking to unwind and enjoy a slower pace of life.
5. Charlevoix: The Unspoiled Coastline

Distance from Montreal: 4 hours
Charlevoix, located along the St. Lawrence River, is a region that offers rugged coastlines, rich history, and dramatic landscapes. Known for its picturesque villages and the towering mountains of the Laurentians, Charlevoix is one of Quebec’s most beautiful and unspoiled regions. With its combination of natural beauty and rich history, it’s an ideal spot for those looking for a scenic and peaceful escape.
One of the highlights of Charlevoix is its charming villages, such as Baie-Saint-Paul, which is known for its vibrant arts scene. The town is home to numerous galleries and artisan shops where you can browse locally made goods. Strolling through the village, you’ll find cozy cafes, unique boutiques, and colorful buildings, all set against the backdrop of the stunning landscape.
Charlevoix also offers incredible outdoor activities, including hiking, kayaking, and wildlife watching. Parc National des Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie is a must-see, with its stunning mountain views, deep valleys, and fast-flowing rivers. Whether you’re an adventurer looking to hike the trails or someone who wants to relax and enjoy the scenery, Charlevoix offers something for everyone.
Along with its natural beauty, Charlevoix is known for its exceptional gastronomy. From local cheeses and Charlevoix lamb to fresh seafood and fine wines, there are plenty of delicious foods to try. Many restaurants in the region focus on farm-to-table dining, offering a true taste of the area’s local ingredients.
The region’s rich history can also be explored through its heritage sites, such as the Old Port of La Malbaie and the Musée de Charlevoix, where you can learn about the area’s cultural heritage. Whether you’re looking for outdoor adventures or a relaxing retreat, Charlevoix provides a perfect weekend road trip from Montreal.
Ce qu'il faut faire :
- Gastronomy: Charlevoix is home to some of the finest food in Quebec. The region is known for its local produce, including cheeses, fresh fish, and gourmet chocolate. The Charlevoix Cheese Route is a must-do for food lovers, where you can visit local farms and taste some of the region’s best cheeses.
- Lighthouses: Charlevoix is dotted with historic lighthouses, which offer a glimpse into the maritime history of the region. The lighthouse in Pointe-au-Pic is particularly famous, offering panoramic views of the St. Lawrence River and the surrounding mountains.
- Whale Watching: Take a boat tour along the St. Lawrence River and keep an eye out for the region’s resident whales. Charlevoix is one of the best places in Quebec to spot these magnificent creatures, and the tours offer a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
- Hiking: For nature lovers, Charlevoix offers an array of hiking trails that wind through the mountains and along the coast. Mont du Lac des Cygnes is one of the most popular hikes in the region, offering breathtaking views of the river and the surrounding countryside.
Conseils :
- If you love seafood, be sure to stop by one of the local seafood restaurants for the freshest fish and shellfish you’ll ever taste.
- Take a whale-watching tour from Tadoussac for the chance to see the iconic beluga whales of the St. Lawrence River.
Charlevoix offers a magical escape from the everyday, with its pristine nature, charming villages, and delicious cuisine. If you’re looking to experience the true heart of Quebec, this is the perfect place to visit.
Conclusion :
Montreal’s location in the heart of Quebec makes it an ideal starting point for exploring some of the most stunning and diverse landscapes the province has to offer. From the scenic beauty of Mont Tremblant to the celestial wonders of Mont Megantic, each road trip destination provides something unique and unforgettable. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a taste of history, these five road trips from Montreal offer the perfect way to discover more of Quebec’s charm and beauty. So pack your bags, hit the road, and make memories that will last a lifetime!